It is part and parcel of the game

A final word from Manchester United boss Marc Skinner on how he has learned personally to deal with the disappointment of losing finals: “Naturally the experience is something nobody wants to, on a national stage, feel. It’s part of competitive sport. You grew up, mature but it never gets easier. It is part and parcel of the game though so you learn to deal with the pressures of it.

“There was an interview with Gary Neville and Eddie Howe and they talk about how managers have to be bullet-proof but we’re also human. I think it would be unnatural for me not to feel, and to not be devastated by a loss. But I’ve always known that losses make you stronger and the strength you need to succeed on the long-run is understanding how to deal with failure.

“That first final I never watched back because it hurt at that moment. You learn to deal with your emotions when you feel that. And that’s important because I’m human.”

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